Heading De Kok Realty


Here you will find a large amount of information whether you are buying a home, selling a home, looking for financing options, or looking for property listings.

If it's a home, condo, or vacant land, we can assist you in your real estate needs.


Making Dreams Come True

What to look for in a Realtor:
  • Honesty and trustworthiness.
  • Willingness to keep you informed of changes in the market, without trying to push you into buying before you are ready.
  • Ability to understand your wants, needs, and personal tastes.
  • Full access to the area's Multiple Listing Service (MLS).  The MLS gives you the listings of all sellers, not just those represented by your Realtor's company.
  • Knowledge about the community you want to live in.
  • Experience and patience.

A Realtor can save you time and assist you in house hunting by:
  • Pre-selecting homes that are within your price range and meet your requirements for size, location, etc.
  • Scheduling appointments for you to see homes, even when the owners are not there.
  • Getting up-to-date information about taxes, school districts, and conditions in the areas that interest you.
  • Giving you current selling prices for houses similar to the ones you are considering.
  • Arranging for a home inspection, a necessary step in buying a home.